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International Journal of Applied Systemic Studies

International Journal of Applied Systemic Studies (IJASS)

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International Journal of Applied Systemic Studies (7 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Key barriers in the growth of engineering education in the context of Chhattisgarh state: a Fuzzy Kano and TISM integrated approach   Order a copy of this article
    by NAVEEN JAIN, Prateek Sharma, Bhagwaticharan Patel 
    Abstract: Today, countries depend on knowledge-driven innovation for economic growth which depends on the quality of the engineering education system and management. In India, the All India Council for Technical Education is the flag bearer of planning, formulation, and dissemination of technical education in the country. Since 20122013, there is a drastic decline in admissions in engineering courses across the country. Hence, there is a need to identify the barriers that dominate engineering education and hinder the students from opting for engineering as a career option. The proposed work focuses on determining the key barriers to the growth of technical education in the state of Chhattisgarh by an integrated fuzzy Kano model and total interpretive structural modelling approach. The result of the study will provide deeper insight and a better understanding of the higher engineering scenario in the state and will help decision-makers to take constructive and progressive steps to improve the engineering education scenario.
    Keywords: Kano model; total interpretive structural modelling; TISM; fuzzy Kano; engineering education management; key barriers; interpretive structural modelling; ISM; technical education; critical failure factors; CFFs; reachability matrix; HEI; digraph.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJASS.2023.10047241
  • Leadership and effectiveness: the case of public sector during the COVID-19 pandemic crisis period   Order a copy of this article
    by Grigorios Despoteris, Athanasios Kriemadis 
    Abstract: This paper aims to examine the leadership in the Greek public sector during the COVID-19 pandemic crisis period. Specifically, it reveals the dominant leadership style, using the full range leadership model. It also determines the overall degree of extra effort, effectiveness, and satisfaction. Finally, it identifies the relationship between each leadership style and leaders effectiveness, using correlation and regression analysis. The survey was quantitative and involved civil servants employed in various services. The results show that the dominant leadership style is transactional leadership and that transformational leadership has the strongest positive correlation with effectiveness. Given the virtual absence of research during the COVID-19 crisis period in Greece, this paper adds information to the theoretical field of leadership, which can improve produced services of the public sector.
    Keywords: leadership; effectiveness; public administration; public sector; COVID-19; pandemic crisis; full range leadership model; MLQ; leadership styles; transformational leadership; transactional leadership; passive leadership.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJASS.2023.10057945
  • A systematic literature review of frugality and sustainability with life satisfaction: antecedents and consequences model   Order a copy of this article
    by Satinder Kumar, Garima Kathuria 
    Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to examine the antecedents of frugality and sustainability simultaneously to relate their consequences with life satisfaction. A systematic literature review has been done with the PRISMA framework. The initial selection, results in a total of 564 articles, where 456 are from Scopus and 108 from the Web of Science database. After screening these articles, we analyse 44 articles which are related to the study. A conceptual model has been framed; results indicate the positive relationship of all the antecedents with frugality as well as with sustainability. Also highlights, that they have a positive relationship with frugal and sustainable consumption behaviour, along with its moderating role and later these behaviours positively relate to life satisfaction. The findings provide valuable guidelines to managers, policymakers, and academicians for a better understanding of consumers and framing marketing strategies for life satisfaction. It also helps society to make rational decisions for sustainability.
    Keywords: sustainability; frugality; sustainable consumption behaviour; frugal behaviour; life satisfaction.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJASS.2023.10060003
  • Systemically-directed Knowledge Management for Public and Private Organisational Life: Some Perspectives from South Africa   Order a copy of this article
    by Norma Romm, Bongani Nkambule 
    Abstract: In this article, we explore options for organising effective and ethical knowledge management, using Nonaka and colleagues model of knowledge creation, which is premised on principles of ba (where people recognise their occupation of a shared space with others). We relate this model to our reflections on the applicability of the African concept of Ubuntu to knowledge management practices in public and private organisations/enterprises. We use as examples research in certain public schools in South Africa, and community-engaged research in relation to a particular social entrepreneurial initiative undertaken to address social and environmental challenges as part of the business.
    Keywords: ba principles; collective orientation; knowledge construction; shared space; sociocultural milieu; stakeholder engagement; Ubuntu.

  • Sentiment analysis of positive and negative comments, extracted from social networks and web in Albanian language   Order a copy of this article
    by Mërgim H. Hoti, Hamdi Hoti, Edisona Kurhasku 
    Abstract: Nowadays, massive texts that contain a variety of viewpoints, attitudes, and emotions for products and services are generated on the web. Sentiment analysis is one of the fastest-growing research areas in computer science, making it difficult to keep track of all activities in the area, including data we made in social networks, the web as well as communicating with each other, and so on. This paper explains sentiment analysis of positive and negative comments taken from social networks and news sites of low resources languages such as Albanian. These comments are taken from different topics and are analysed with a support vector machine, using Sklearn and other algorithms. As we know, social networks and online communication involve both positive and negative relationships between each others. This research measures and shows how people are prone to express positive or negative opinions about any important case. Being aware of these problems, the edge sign prediction problem that aims to predict whether an interaction between a pair of nodes will be positive or negative should be considered. Therefore, this study provides theoretical results regarding this problem that motivates natural improvements.
    Keywords: sentiment analysis; predictable data; Albanian language; etc.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJASS.2024.10063597
  • Life cycle development and approach of management consulting projects   Order a copy of this article
    by Renato Lopes Da Costa, Leandro F. Pereira, Álvaro Dias, Rui Gonçalves, Rui Vinhas Da Silva, Natália Teixeira 
    Abstract: Management consulting projects are nowadays important support for companies that face a very difficult context and the mandatory step to change their business model to adapt and survive. However, the subject of this emerging area is not well study and there is a lack of scientific literature. This research aims to develop a detail model of steps and objectives that must be implicit in the development of a project in management consulting. The results of the empirical analysis in the form of semi-structured interviews and questionnaires applied to management consultants and SME managers in Portugal reveal that a project in management consulting should be developed in nine steps starting from the pre-proposal and finishing in the measurement of five stages of development, including identification, characterisation, formulation, implementation, and evaluation.
    Keywords: management consulting; strategy-as-practice; SAP; business model; change.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJASS.2024.10063598
  • Practical approaches for the implementation of distributed scrum teams   Order a copy of this article
    by Fernando Almeida, Jorge Simões 
    Abstract: Scrum was originally projected for environments with small teams working in the same place, where collaboration and physical proximity are key for success. Accordingly, it becomes relevant to explore how scrum can be implemented in geographically distributed teams. This study aims to identify a set of different types of practical distributed scrum implementation using three case studies with Portuguese software companies. Furthermore, it explores the main motivations for this migration, the challenges posed by the geographical dispersion of teams, and the benefits brought by this approach to organisations. The findings reveal three approaches for implementing distributed scrum considering the geographical location of the employees and the challenges that are posed in terms of communication, collaboration and coordination. These approaches enhance the theoretical knowledge in the field and help software companies to migrate from traditional scrum environments to large-scale distributed environments.
    Keywords: distributed agile; distributed teams; applied management; scaling; case study.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJASS.2024.10063727